Since its establishment in 1976, the Program for Research on Black Americans (PRBA) has been the leader in creating new and innovative qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand the lives of African American and African descendant communities. Our mission is to generate high-quality data, analyses, and interpretations of findings to advance academic scholarship and develop effective public policies.
Former Colleagues

M. Belinda Tucker was Instrumental to PRBAs Early Development
Belinda Tucker came to the University of Michigan in 1971 as a graduate student in social psychology. Coming out of the turbulent 1960s, she was drawn to the program by its demonstrated commitment to diversity and to addressing societal ills (which seemed monumental at the time). She was especially attracted by its welcoming faculty, including Pat Gurin, Elizabeth Douvan, and Ewart Thomas, and the strong sense of community among the students. As luck would have it, James Jackson was hired as a new professor that very year. And the rest, shall we say, is history.
Latest News

The MCUAAAR Hosted Webinar for HBCU Partners
Researchers often start with the arduous task of gathering data, but tapping into high-quality data sets that have already been collected can be a fast and invaluable way to survey the field, explore topics, and test ideas. By stewarding secondary data, ICPSR serves the purpose of providing social scientists with rich and broad data resources that are high in quality and publicly accessible.
The webinar was convened at the request of MCUAAAR’s HBCU partners at Howard and Prairie View A&M Universities to help faculty and students learn how to access secondary datasets from the University of Michigan. Dr. James McNally, Director of the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA) and MCUAAAR faculty member, and Kathryn Lavender, NACDA Data Manager, conducted the webinar. These datasets are…